All You Need to Know About the Black Golden Retriever

All You Need to Know About the Black Golden Retriever

Originating from Scotland, the Golden Retriever was bred initially as a hunting dog, thus the name retriever. They were known to retrieve the shot game and carefully carry it to their owners without harming their flesh. In current times, the Golden retriever loves to...
Useful Facts About Golden Retriever Lifespan

Useful Facts About Golden Retriever Lifespan

On average, a Golden retriever’s lifespan is from 10-13 years, but there are steps you can take to increase your pet’s lifespan. Factors taken into individual dog lifespan calculations include analyzing their genetics, such as how long their parents and...
Choice Between Male vs Female Golden Retriever

Choice Between Male vs Female Golden Retriever

The Golden retriever is one of the most famous dogs in the US. Originally from Scotland, the retriever was used in hunting sports to collect shot ducks and other fowls. Besides their adventurous and playful nature, they were also loved for their soft mouths that could...
A Complete Guide on the Labrabull Dog

A Complete Guide on the Labrabull Dog

The Labrabull, also commonly known as Pitador or Pit-Lab, is a cross-breed of the famous American Pitbull Terrier and the Labrador Retriever. Their inherited genes from the parent breeds make them a favorite among dog lovers. Pit-Labs are generally intelligent,...
Why Is My Dog Panting and Restless?

Why Is My Dog Panting and Restless?

Panting is a common behavior in dogs that occurs after vigorous exercise and when they’re excited or hot. As a dog’s sweat glands are located in its paws, sweating isn’t enough to cool them down. Dogs, therefore, pant to release heat across a greater surface area,...