It’s hard to imagine that a dog as small as a chihuahua could be bred with a dog as big as a St. Bernard and everything would turn out all right, but it’s true.
In fact, the St. Bernard-Chihuahua mixed-breed dog is a very popular hybrid dog, in part because both of these breeds have pleasant personalities.
Of course, if you’re going to add a St. Bernard-Chihuahua dog to your home, you should first find out some things about them. But do not worry — you shouldn’t find anything about them that will change your mind!
What You Need to Know About the St. Bernard Chihuahua Mix Dog
Before we get to the St. Bernard-Chihuahua mixed-breed dog, let’s go over some details about the two parent dogs, which can help you understand the personality of this dog.
1. St. Bernard Dog
These are large dogs that can get up to 180 pounds (males) and up to 140 pounds (females). Their size is roughly 28 to 30 inches for the males and 26 to 28 inches for the females.
They have a lifespan of 8 to 10 years and are affectionate and good with kids and other dogs. They are also very adaptive and have a very protective nature, making them the perfect watchdog.
2. Chihuahua Dog
Chihuahuas usually live 14 to 16 years and are very tiny — they only get to around 5 to 8 inches and usually weigh less than 6 pounds.
Quite the opposite of the St. Bernard in size, chihuahuas are affectionate but not always good with kids, partly because they are too small to roughhouse with them. A tiny dog that has a larger-than-life personality, chihuahuas are very loyal and can be very charming indeed.
Is This a Smart Combination to Breed?
One thing that you should know about this breed is that many times, it’s very difficult for the breeding to take place without artificial insemination.
It’s possible, but it’s very difficult. Also, the mother often can’t give birth without a Cesarean simply because of the size of the “pup.” In fact, because of the difference in size between these two breeds, the traits of the puppy can vary quite a bit.
For instance, the St. Bernard-Chihuahua dogs can be as small as 5 pounds or as large as 180 pounds, which is phenomenal when you think about it.
In addition, their size can range from 5 inches to 30 inches; again, this is a huge difference. This is partly why so many St. Bernard-Chihuahua mothers have to have C-sections. Again, it’s hard to fathom that someone came up with this idea!
If you’ve already decided that you want this type of mixed-breed dog, don’t get your hopes up because they are extremely difficult to find.
Due to the fact that they are so difficult to breed and the potential hardships of the mother-to-be, there aren’t even that many breeders attempting this task. There are so few St. Bernard-Chihuahua dogs out there that even describing them can be hard.
What Will These Puppies Be Like?
Since there are so few St. Bernard-Chihuahua mixed-breed dogs, it’s hard to get accurate information on them, but thanks to the few that are in existence, we do know a few things about them.
For instance, their lifespan is 8 to 16 years and their coat color usually consists of tons of possibilities, including silver, blue, white, brown, gray, fawn, or a mix of any of these colors.
While the St. Bernard-Chihuahua dog is usually loyal, loving, and very charming, not to mention very intelligent, they can also be very stubborn. If you’re going to train them — and you should — you should train them as puppies.
Otherwise, their stubbornness may get in the way of your success. In fact, stubbornness is a common trait with these dogs because both parents have it!
Depending on which parent they take after most, you might want to consider getting one only if you don’t have children in the home.
Many St. Bernard-Chihuahua dogs can be snappy with kids if they take after their chihuahua parent, and kids can often treat these dogs as though they’re toys. This is never a good combination, so it’s something to consider carefully before you buy one of these dogs.
What About Socialization with Other Animals?
When it comes to socializing with other dogs and animals, both the St. Bernard and the chihuahua are considered “average,” which is another reason why your dog may need to be socialized early on while they are still young.
The truth is, most dogs have to be socialized while they’re young in order for it to be successful because early socialization increases those odds.
If they’re socialized properly, they’ll get along well not just with other dogs but also with cats and any other pets you might have in your home.
Indeed, the younger they are when they start socializing with others and the more animals they socialize with, the more likely they’ll be able to handle any type of pets you have in your home. It can be great when this task is successful!
Learning to Take Care of Your St. Bernard-Chihuahua Dog
Regardless of which parent your St. Bernard-Chihuahua mixed-breed dog takes after, taking proper care of it is important.
For starters, you should plan to provide them with 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day, which can consist of two 30-minute sessions if you like. You can walk with them or play fetch. It really doesn’t matter as long as you’re moving around a lot the entire time.
Both St. Bernards and Chihuahuas can have either long or short coats, but regardless of the one your dog ends up with, brushing it one or two times a week is important.
During their twice-a-year shedding periods, they should be brushed every day. Regular bathing, daily teeth-brushing, and regular nail-trimming is also important, much as with most other dogs.
Other Things You Should Know
Like a lot of dogs, the St. Bernard-Chihuahua dog is prone to several different health conditions. This doesn’t mean that the conditions below are all going to hit your beloved pet, but each of them is a possibility when you own this type of dog.
These conditions include:
- Periodontal disease, which is problems with overcrowding of their teeth
- Dermatitis, which is usually caused by dust or food allergies
- Hip dysplasia, which is common in a lot of dog breeds
- Dilated cardiomyopathy, which is a condition that can enlarge the heart
- Patellar luxation, which is a dislocation of the knee joint
- Osteosarcoma, which is bone cancer usually found in longer bones
- Mitral valve disease, which can lead to congestive heart failure
If you decide to add a St. Bernard-Chihuahua dog to your family, it’s important to take it to your vet for regular wellness checkups. As you can imagine, mixing a small dog with a large one has lots of potential problems, so regular checkups are a must.
A St. Bernard-Chihuahua mixed-breed dog has a great personality but often has physical problems of different kinds, mostly because of the two parent dogs involved.
Still, this is a great family dog for experienced pet parents with no small children in the home. Both of the parent dogs can be stubborn, so training your St. Bernard-Chihuahua dog early on is crucial.
Finally, if you do find a reputable breeder who offers this type of dog, prepare to pay a hefty price for it because they are never cheap.