Puppies of any breed can tend to bite from time to time. This can be partially due to the breed, but more than likely because they use their mouths to learn. Biting and nipping is the dog trying to figure things out.
That said, it is important how to train a Pitbull puppy not to bite. Taking the time to properly train them can ensure that you won’t have to deal with that painful experience going forward. Understanding aggression and how to train them not to bite is crucial.
Why is My Pitbull Puppy So Aggressive?
For most dogs, their aggression is a responsive behavior. Puppies in particular learn to be aggressive as a response to treatment they receive. Their aggression is caused by fear, lack of socialization, and anxiety most of the time.
The Pitbull is also naturally assertive and confident. Sometimes, if they are not familiar with other dogs, they can become more naturally aggressive because they are simply not used to being around other dogs. Proper socialization is a must for Pitbull puppies.
Training Your Puppy Not to Bite
Now, we come to how to train a Pitbull puppy not to bite. There are a few important steps to follow to get them to become better listeners. Most importantly, you don’t have to worry about them nipping or biting guests or loved ones. Here are a few of the most helpful tips to follow.
Bite Inhibition
When learning how to train a Pitbull puppy not to bite, you need to convey to them that it is harmful. When they play with other Pitbull puppies, one of them will let out a squeak when they have been bitten. It is your job to imitate that sound so they know to back off.
Should they bite you or give you a nip, make a sound that is akin to a high-pitched squeal. If the squeal doesn’t really suit you, a command like “stop” or “no” should work just fine. The goal is to make them think that you have been hurt by their bite, even if you haven’t.
Think of it as telling your puppy off. They will look for comfort after feeling bad, but don’t give it. Ignore them for a few moments, then return your attention to them. With repetition, this can be a great way to instill that biting is bad.
Do Not Hit
Whatever you do, make sure that you do not hit your puppy while training them. Dogs do not understand physical punishment. All you are doing is scaring them and making them potentially afraid of you going forward.
The key to proper training is to implement the right commands and to do so in a stern, firm voice. They respond more to your voice than they ever will with physical punishment.
Don’t Play Back
Remember, the key to letting them know that they have done something wrong is to show them that they are causing pain. If you play back or don’t let them know that what they are doing wrong, they will never know.
Pushing them away playfully only tells them that what they are doing is okay, encouraging them to bite more. It is a way of mirroring the fun that they are having back to them. Instead of learning their lesson, they will want to bite back again thinking that it is all just a big game.
Chew Toys are Your Friend
One of the best ways to get your Pitbull puppy to stop biting you is to swap your hand with something else. Because puppies bite due to teething, replacing your hand with something that they can chew on is a highly effective method of getting them to stop.
They might use your hands as a teething device or simply because they are playing. Training them to think that it is not okay to bite your hands means swapping out your hands for toys when playing. It focuses their attention on the toy instead of your hand. It also helps to teach them that hands and fingers aren’t for biting, toys are.
Get Them Used to Hands Near Their Mouth
Getting them to learn not to bite is a good idea, but they also need to understand that hands can be near them without getting bit. This is something that they have to learn to accept and can also help with other training methods going forward.
Puppies love to eat things that they shouldn’t. By training them to be familiar with your hands near their mouth, you can fish those unwanted things out of their mouth without fear of being bit. If they keep biting you when you try, it can make intervention difficult.
Pitbull puppies can naturally want to bite for a few reasons. Knowing those reasons and implementing proper training techniques can help to quell their need to nip and bite. Before long, they will be able to redirect their need to chew to more appropriate things.
Patience and consistent positive reinforcement are needed to properly train your dog. When you have worked with them long enough, they should listen to your commands and stop biting you altogether.