Behavioral Development Stages of Goldendoodle Puppy

Pet Care


June 28, 2022

There are around 400 various dog breeds in the world today. Doodles are a mix of popular breeds like a Labrador Retriever or Golden Retriever and the Poodle. The Goldendoodle, with the temperament of the Golden Retriever and the light-shedding of a poodle, was an instant hit across the globe.

The Goldendoodle’s Temperament and Abilities

Every generation of Goldendoodles is a friend to everyone. They’re even kind to strangers.

As a result, they make excellent family companions. They make ideal companions for those with physical disabilities due to their bright, loving demeanor and outgoing personality.

Behavioral Stages of Goldendoodle

Keep in mind that because a Goldendoodle is a cross between two dogs, you will get more of a Poodle’s personality sometimes and more of a Golden Retriever’s personality other times. Their behavior isn’t always predictable. There are many Goldendoodle behavior stages.

  • Toddler stage
  • Socialization stage
  • Independent stage
  • Teen stage
  • Adult stage

Toddler Stage

Birth to 3 Weeks: The first three weeks of your Goldendoodle puppy’s life will be the most important in their growth.

These puppies are born without teeth, blind, and deaf. These initial several weeks are crucial for their development. During this stage, all the puppies require is food and sleep, and the majority of this care is provided by their mother.

3 to 5 Weeks: There is a significant increase in sensory development and early motor skills during this time, which includes:

  • What it’s like to be bitten and how to bite.
  • The significance of various postures.
  • Vocalization means barking and generating other vocal noises.
  • Recognize how to form social bonds with other dogs.
  • Learn to obey commands.

At the end of this first stage, your Goldendoodle puppy will be aware of its surroundings. They’ll begin barking, crawling, and interacting with the other puppies in their litter.

Socialization Stage

5 to 7 Weeks of Goldendoodle: This stage is critical for the social and physical development of your Goldendoodle puppy. During this time, they will continue to grow significantly. They begin to socialize more with their mother, littermates, and other people in their lives.

They’ll learn how to play with other puppies and what other puppies can tolerate. This is when they will discover how strong their bite is and what is acceptable for play.

TIP: Most breeders advise waiting until the puppies are about 7 to 8 weeks old to separate them from their litter and mother.

7 to 12 Weeks of Goldendoodle: Your puppy is ready to leave their mother and other littermates and move to their new home when they reach the age of seven weeks.

Your Goldendoodle puppy may exhibit fear during this period. This is a fairly common occurrence in a puppy’s life. They might be terrified of people, places, or things they’ve never been afraid of before.

Positive, encouraging training will help your puppy get through this short stage, and he or she will grow out of it! These practices may help you get out of this situation:

  • Be a strong leader and protector for your puppy.
  • Introduce new things, places, and people to your puppy gradually.
  • Provide incentives or toys to make all their encounters enjoyable.
  • Don’t force your puppy into uncomfortable circumstances; instead, take it slowly and let it acclimate to the scenario.

Independent Stage

3 to 4 Months of Goldendoodle: This is the period in your Goldendoodle puppy’s growth when he or she begins to become self-sufficient. They may even begin to question your authority or disregard you. This is also the time when your Goldendoodle puppy will begin teething. Their gums will be in excruciating pain, prompting them to bite and gnaw on anything they can get their hands on.

What you can do to get out of this situation is:

  • Make sure you provide your puppy with plenty of appropriate chewing toys.
  • Provide training.
  • Be patient with the puppy.

4 to 7 Weeks of Goldendoodle: Your Goldendoodle puppy will grow and develop at a rapid rate throughout this time. During this time, they will learn how to adapt to various social situations and what behavior is and is not acceptable. They’ll also keep challenging you, so be ready to stick to your training and not give up.

Teen Stage

7 to 10 Weeks of Goldendoodle: By that time, your angel will have been transformed into a devil. You might notice that you’re telling your puppy no a lot at this point. All of your hard work will pay off in the end, and your puppy will be well-behaved and follow your commands. All you need to do is show them some patience and love!

For a pet owner, the teen years are one of the most challenging. Many families begin to regret their decision to bring a puppy into their home at this point. Now is the time to teach them proper etiquette. You can do so by following these steps:

  • Appreciate your puppy for all its good habits
  • Provide good training.
  • Ignore its bad behavior.

Maturity Stage

10 to 12 Weeks of Goldendoodle: Small Goldendoodles will be mature and achieve their full size during this time.

You thought you had beaten the odds. However, your once-confident dog is suddenly startled by a slamming door, scared of descending the stairs, or unsure about taking a car ride. All of this is natural, but you must assist your dog in overcoming its anxieties or concerns.

If your dog learns how to “shake it off and keep on,” it will be able to do so for the rest of its life. It will also downsize the likelihood that the things it fears will remain with it for the rest of its life.

Adult Stage

1 Year and Older: Your Goldendoodle will be completely formed and sexually mature between the ages of 1 and 2. Your puppy will eventually stop growing, but he or she may gain a little weight. You can now begin increasing your Goldendoodle exercise routine.

Switching your puppy from puppy food to adult food is also a good idea at this time. It’s recommended to stick with the same brand of puppy food you’ve been feeding to avoid any stomach issues caused by switching foods. When switching foods, it is best to do it gradually.

Final Thoughts

Keep in mind that doodles are an active breed, so dealing with Goldendoodle behavior stages is not for the faint of heart.

It might be a long first year or two, but you’ll soon realize you have a well-behaved friend to look forward to in your next season of life.