All You Need to Know About Bactine Usage and Safety for Dogs

Pet Health


July 27, 2022

Bactine spray, when applied to surface-type wounds on dogs, is a higher substitute to ointments, such as Polysporin or Neosporin, which incline to trap pus and bacteria underneath. Bactine is not completely without disadvantages, and there are a few connected with its use on dogs.

Bactine comprises two active ingredients, benzalkonium chloride, an antiseptic, and lidocaine, a topical anesthetic. Primarily, it can sting, which can cause your dog to growl and bite when it is applied.

What Is Bactine?

Bactine is an antiseptic that combats minor skin infections, soothes pain, and relieves itching from minor cuts, scrapes, and burns. Some people try to find out can I use Bactine on my dog and prefer to use this on their dogs because it does not sting like alcohol.

Benzalkonium chloride and lidocaine are both suitable for the superficial application, but if swallowed, they are insignificantly toxic. In addition to mouth ulcers, diarrhea, vomiting, and tremors, this condition typically causes loss of appetite, drooling, vomiting, and drooling.

Hence, you would be well-advised to avoid putting Bactine in your dog’s mouth and tongue, it is only safe to use superficially. During the healing process, you can cover the area with a light bandage or make your pet wear the E-collar to prevent it from licking the substance.

Is it Safe to Apply Bactine on a Dog?

The use of Bactine for your dogs is safe and okay. A dog’s minor cuts and burns can be treated with Bactine, which can kill 99% of bacteria. You should first stop the bleeding from your dog’s wounds when treating them. You can apply Bactine before putting a dressing on the area once you have applied pressure.

Untreated cuts can lead to infection if not handled appropriately. The infection can be prevented with the use of Bactine. If your dog has experienced a cut, it may get help from Bactine sprays to comfort its distress. Even so, it may have an unpleasant taste once your dog has licked it.

However, you must also be aware of any side effects your dog may suffer. The condition of your dog may be extremely affected by products not precisely formulated for animals. You should first ask your veterinarian about the safety of the product so that your dog’s condition doesn’t get worse.

Applying Bactine on Hot Spots of Your Dog

Dogs are susceptible to developing hot spots as an effect of moist dermatitis. A scratch of the lesions results in red, angry-looking lumps that secretes pus and pus-filled eruptions. In addition to the head, legs, and hips, they can arise anywhere on the body.

A dog generates hot spots by scratching so hard and nonstop that it disrupts its skin. Treatment of the primary cause is required to heal hot spots properly. Many people ask can I use Bactine on my dog in this condition.

Though proper treatment is needed to relieve pain and itching, Bactine spray can be used and it is safe. As a result of its numbing effect, lidocaine may offer relief to a dog, whereas benzalkonium chloride will excite its healing procedure.

In addition to applying Bactine on these hot spots, oral steroids such as prednisone or antihistamines such as Benadryl may also be effective. Before giving any medicine to your pet, nevertheless, you should always consult a vet.

As a final deliberation, E-collars are supportive when treating hot spots of your dogs. Both the tool and the ointment or spray that you have used on the swollen area will stop the dog from further licking it. It is best to consult with your veterinarian about treating hot spots, as they have numerous probable causes.

Substitutes of Bactine

It is imperative to remove blood and debris from the area after your dog has been injured or has skin issues such as hot spots. Before presenting the wound to the animal expert, it’s significant to check its condition. The same benefits of Bactine can still be gained with substitute products that are available over the counter.


Several herbs can be used for the treatment of a dog’s ailments, such as oregano, turmeric, and goldenseal. They can be an in-house substitute for Bactine if it is not available. Oregano oil is believed to have antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, and antifungal properties. Before using oregano oil on your dog, you will need to dilute it first.

Topical application can be obtained by mixing one drop of oregano oil with one tablespoon of almond oil. This substitute of Bactine should not be used if your dog has seizures. Use goldenseal as an antiseptic if your dog is having seizures. Apply it three times a day using a washcloth and a small amount of it.

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver consists of small silver particles suspended in a liquid base. Viruses and bacteria can be killed by it due to its capacity to pierce into the dog’s cells. Since it does not have any taste or smell, and it does not comprise any toxic constituents, it is harmless for your pets. An open wound, an infection such as hot spots, or a burn can benefit from using this. Spray it straight on the wound or bandage it to the area.

Manuka Honey

Unlike tea trees, manuka trees yield nectar. Antiseptic properties of nectar (honey) have been established to assist in treating wounds, cuts, and sores in pets. To apply this to your pet’s wound, you just need to softly pat it on. If you want to increase the remedial procedure, you can mix it with colostrum.


The use of garlic as a substitute antiseptic is advantageous and harmless even if it can cause harm to pets when given in great amounts. It has exceptional antibacterial properties. Infections can be prevented and wounds can be healed. Simply mince and chop the pieces. If you are using it in an affected area, let it sit for no more than 10 minutes.

Key Takeaways

It is your obligation to know how to treat your dog if it gets wounded due to cuts, burns, scrapes, and so on. To treat your pet as a first-aid solution, you should also have the right materials or remedies.

Over-the-counter antibiotics can be found in Bactine, which is safe and appropriate for dogs. It is a product that is intended to treat human wounds, but it can also be used to treat wounds in dogs. Remember the amount and frequency with which you need to apply Bactine to your dog’s skin. Keep a keen eye out for any changes in your dog’s behavior.