How to Do Puppy Pee Training at Night?

Pet Training


August 11, 2024

So you’ve got yourself a new puppy? Congratulations! It’ll be a lot of fun, but there will also be a lot of work to be done.

Sleeping through the night with a new puppy can be almost as tough as sleeping through the night with a newborn baby. Puppies can’t hold their pee for lengthy periods of time; thus, they wake up in the middle of the night.

How Long Can a Puppy Sleep Without Peeing?

With a simple mathematical formula, you can determine how long your puppy can hold his bladder. It should be calculated by adding one hour to your puppy’s age in months.

A puppy that is just a month old will be able to maintain its bladder for two hours. Similarly, a three-month-old puppy’s bladder should be capable of holding pee for four hours.

In light of this fact, the first thing that makes puppy owners worry is, should I wake my puppy up to pee at night? Then the answer is yes.

But there’s good news! While asleep, puppies can hold pee for a little longer. You’ll still need to take at least one trip halfway through the night for puppies under four months old, and probably a bit later for some. It’s recommended that to avoid problems, you take your puppy out for a pee at least once a night.

Possibilities for an Eight-Week-Old Puppy to Sleep Through the Night

As we previously stated, the number of hours that a puppy can hold their pee is calculated by adding one to their age in months.

8 weeks = 2 months old.

So, 1 (constant) + 2 (months of age) = under 3 hours

This means that if your puppy hasn’t been potty trained yet, carrying your puppy out at least twice in the middle of the night is highly recommended.

Why Does Your Puppy Need Pee Training?

Whether you call it housebreaking, housetraining, or potty training, all new puppy owners want to teach their new puppy not to mess in their new home. Training can be the most practical technique to succeed in your objective.

To teach pups, there is some science to consider and some fundamental understanding that you should have to reduce your efforts and optimize your outcomes.

Use Pee Pads to Potty Train Your Dog

This strategy will require a little more thought on your part, but it may help to limit the frequency of full-fledged accidents while your puppy learns the ropes.

It uses pee pads, often known as puppy pads, as a bridge between allowing them to urinate wherever they want and teaching them to only pee outside. This means you can put some great absorbent pads in an area of your puppy’s playpen or crate (if you’re crate training) to lessen the mess created by small accidents.

There are certain things to follow to stop your puppy from peeing inside your house.

  • Set up some puppy pads in the areas where you want your pet to relieve itself.
  • Take your puppy to the toilet regularly! This includes the first few minutes after they wake up, after each meal, and every two hours (or as many as your puppy’s current abilities allow!).
  • Allow plenty of time for them to use the restroom if they so desire, and shower them with praise and healthy goodies.
  • If you come upon an accident, clean it up and move on. They don’t understand the concept of learning from past mistakes, so showing them what they’ve done is pointless, no matter how unhappy you are about it!
  • If you see them peeing in the house, pick them up and place them on the pads to finish their pee.
  • When you do take your puppy outside for a pee, give them a treat. This will give them the impression that you enjoy their peeing outside.
  • Move the pads a bit closer to the exit each day as your dog gets better at using the pads when they need to urinate. This will help them move to a pee pad-free or outside-only environment in the future!

House Train Your Puppy Without Pee Pads

This is a one-and-done strategy for teaching your puppy not to pee in the house. The benefits are that you don’t have to buy as many puppy pads.

The negative is that any minor mishaps are immediately transferred to your floor/carpet/whatever else Fido is sitting on at the time, and you must take yourself and your canine partner outside at all hours, regardless of the weather.

A Few Steps to Take in Order to House Train Your Puppy

Take your puppy out to the garden as soon as they wake up, after a meal, and every one/two/three hours, depending on their age. The goal is to get them outside before they need to go to the bathroom!

Give them lots of praise and nutritious goodies when they go outside to the bathroom to let them know that they did a good job and to encourage them to go outside the next time they need to. Even if they were already outside, such as on a walk, do this.

If you catch your puppy in the middle of peeing and they aren’t where they should be, gently pick them up and take them outdoors. Offer more praise and treats when they finish peeing outside.

If an accident occurs, clean it up and move on. Because they don’t comprehend the concept of learning from past mistakes, showing them what they’ve done is futile, no matter how upset you are!

This way, you’ll be able to leave them longer between potty breaks as time goes on, and they’ll develop their own method of alerting you to the fact that they need to pee.

Most puppies will go to the door, and you can teach them how to gain your attention when they’re a little older. You can even acquire a small bell on a rope for them to ring when it’s time for a break.

Final Thoughts

It’s natural to have some good and poor nights in the beginning, so don’t get discouraged or sad. When you have a new puppy in the house, there will be some ups and downs, and this is a temporary puppy issue that you won’t have to deal with for a lifetime.

Once your puppy is used to their routine, there will be fewer accidents in the house and you and your pup will both remain happy.