The Rottle, also known as Rottie-Poo, is a mixed breed between a Rottweiler and a Poodle. The origins of the Rottle are uncertain, but popular belief is that they were intentionally bred first in the US in the early 1980s or early 1990s as a designer breed.
Designer dogs are the result of deliberately mixing different purebred dog breeds creating an offspring with a mix of traits from the two pure parent breeds.
History Of The Rottle
Poodles are a European hunting dog believed to have originated from the French and German border. Poodles are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and eagerness to please. They often participate in dog sports and activities such as circus performances, agility and obedience competitions, tracking, and herding, among others. They are known to perform exemplary well in these shows earning themselves awards such as “Best in Show” in the UK.
Rottweilers, on the other hand, are a German breed that worked as farm assistants to pull carts into town and helped farmers herd their livestock. They are loyal, obedient, and very jovial dogs. They make outstanding guard dogs, making them favorites in the police and armed forces globally.Â
One of the most distinguishing features of Poodles is their coats. They have a dense, harshly curly coat that has minimal shedding. The Rottweiler, in contrast, has a two-layered coat: an inner coat and an outer coat. The outer coat is straight, coarse, dense, and medium length, with the undercoat around the neck and thighs. The primary colors of Rottie-Poos are white, gray, brown, black, blue, and red. Some coats come in solid colors, while others come in a combination of colors.
AÂ Rottle’s appearance, like any other mixed breed, differs from one litter to the next. Some puppies will heavily resemble the Rottweilers, while others may resemble their Poodle parent.
However, what these mixed breeds have in common is their average weight and height, as well as their fur and coat appearances. The Rottle has a sturdy build, round head, droopy ears, and dark oval eyes. Their muzzles are medium in length and flat, with a black nose.
A Rottle can weigh anywhere between 60 and 130 pounds and reach heights of between 15 and 27 inches. To estimate the size of a mixed breed accurately, we must consider the size of the two parent breeds. A huge Poodle and a tiny Rottweiler are more likely to produce puppies that grow to be of average size, but, again, it is still possible to find extremely differing cases.
Temperament & Personality
The Rottweiler parent breed has a slightly aggressive and extremely possessive temperament, while Poodles are often shy, anxious, and friendly. You should, therefore, not be surprised to find your Rottie-Poo being somewhat aggressive. With some proper training and early socialization, however, your dog can become calm and even-tempered.
Rottles’ playful and affectionate nature makes them an ideal companion for adults and children alike. Their loyal, protective, and alert nature makes them excellent guard dogs. They will often display protectiveness around their families by barking when they encounter strangers or when they become aware of intruders.
Much like their Rottweiler’s parents, Rottles are highly energetic dogs with the instincts of a working and hunting dog. Socializing them from a young age will ensure that they do not aggressively hunt for smaller pets and dogs during play. As a parent to the Rottle, you must also be highly active and enjoy outdoor activities to keep your fur baby happy.
Crossbreed dogs are typically bred to become healthier than their purebred parents. The Rottie-Poo is a relatively healthy breed with no known genetic disorders. They have a life expectancy of 8 to 12 years. However, you must be aware that your Rottle pup could inherit a few health problems from her parents. Some of the inherited health issues include hip dysplasia, diabetes, slowed metabolism, and bloat. With these uncertainties, you must honor all your vet appointments to keep your pup healthy.
Ensuring that you provide your Rottle pup with a healthy diet and regular exercise will go a long way toward keeping them healthy and alive for longer.
Care and Grooming
Your Rottle may take after the Poodle parent with a dense and curly coat, or it may have the straight, double-coat of the Rottweiler. Either way, Rottie-Poos are usually low maintenance puppies thanks to their low-shedding coat. You will only need to give them extra attention during the shedding season if they take after their Rottweiler parent.
Floppy-eared dogs like the Poodle are prone to ear infections if not properly groomed. To keep your Rottle’s ears healthy, you should inspect and clean them every week. You should make sure to use dog-friendly ear-cleaning solutions while using a cotton ball or cloth to avoid harming the dog’s ears. You should also brush their teeth at least three times a week and clip their nails as soon as they get long.
Diet and Nutrition
The Rottle is a large, highly active, and muscled dog that requires a nutrient-rich wholesome diet. Feeding your dog five cups of commercial dog food a day is one of the meal options for your fur baby. However, should your pup experience any digestive problems, consider switching to grain-free dog foods that are suited for their sensitive tummies. Since Rottles are also prone to bloat, you should be careful with the portions you give them.
Given their lean muscle mass and bone density, an abundant amount of protein is necessary for their diets. You must ensure to provide them with foods with high-quality protein such as lamb, beef, chicken, and duck. Your Rottle will also need foods rich in carbohydrates and calories to provide them with the energy they need. With that said, you will need to keep them active to prevent them from gaining unnecessary weight.
Exercise Requirements
Rottles can easily put on weight, which can be deadly for a dog prone to joint issues, so exercise is a must for this pooch. Exercising your Rottle should be part of your daily routine as they’re a mix of two very athletic breeds. Rottles require long walks or runs to keep them physically fit. Occasionally incorporating mental games into their routines is also essential to keep their brains stimulated.
Social Interactions
Rottles are naturally affectionate, hence their popularity in American households. However, it is still essential for you to teach your children how to safely and respectfully play with their furry friends. Likewise, it is also critical for you to train and socialize your dog from a young age to discourage aggressive behaviors around strangers and other pets. You will also have peace of mind knowing that your guests are safe around your furry friend. Before adopting a Rottle, it might be important to know that they prefer living in one-dog households.
Mixed breed dogs are an unpredictable lot. However, this uncertainty should not dissuade any novice owners from getting themselves a Rottle or any other mixed breed for that matter. All any of these pups need is a little love and affection, combined with some training, and they’ll offer endless love and loyalty in return.Â