How to Decide Between Parrotlet and Budgie?

Pet Type


March 21, 2022

The benefits of owning a bird as a pet can still be enjoyed even if you cannot have a dog or cat. The budgie or the parrotlet is the perfect pet to add to your family. While the care is comparable, there are some significant distinctions between the two species that could tip the scales in one direction or the other.

It is a big commitment for you and your family to choose between parrotlet vs. budgie since both have a lengthy lifespan. We’ll go through how to care for each of them and what to expect as a pet owner.

About Parrotlet


Parrotlet is a generic term that refers to the tiniest parrots belonging to three separate genera. All of these creatures are native to Central and South America. It’s important to keep in mind that rainforests are their natural habitat. Knowing what this bird needs to live in a happy and comfortable environment will help you take care of it.


Parrotlets are known for their personality and intelligence. There are aspects of it that resemble that of a chihuahua, eager to fight any foe, real or imaginary. This makes it a better choice for someone who has worked with birds before and is familiar with the process. To prevent your pet from developing negative habits such as pinching, early socialization is essential.

To keep it interesting, it needs challenges. It makes sense that pairs would create strong relationships from an evolutionary standpoint. They will use violence to protect their space. Parrotlets aren’t particularly noisy, but they are outspoken when they have something to say.

Exercise and Human Interaction

The parrotlet is a highly gregarious bird. If you get one as a pet, you must engage with it daily or it will lose its friendly personality. The bird keeps its energy in check by exercising and playing every day. In this way, you can have a strong bond with your pet. It will also provide cerebral stimulation for your parrotlet, which is necessary for good health.

You should keep an eye on your parrotlet if you let it out of the cage. Its natural nature is to munch on wood, whether it’s your furniture or not. This demand can be met by introducing some wooden toys to the cage.


It’s possible to teach the parrotlet many tricks if you reward it with food. The key is consistency with positive reinforcement. Your pet may also pick up a few words if you spend a lot of time with it. Changing toys occasionally will keep the bird mentally challenged. Interactive toys are a fantastic method to get kids to try new things.

Health and Care

Importing a bird from a tropical location requires keeping its cage in a draft-free environment. Heat vents and registers should be treated with the same caution. Their natural environment is relatively steady, with rarely extreme temperature changes. If you cover the cage at night, the pet will feel safer and will sleep better.

Parrotlets do best when kept alone in a cage or as a pair with no other birds. Daily cage cleaning is a crucial part of its maintenance. Make sure that you provide fresh food and water every day. You should purchase different diameter and height perches for your parrotlet to encourage it to explore its surroundings. Larger cages are preferable, especially if you have multiple pets. You will bond with your pet if it doesn’t have a partner.

A Good Fit

Parrotlets are most suitable for people who have some prior experience handling birds. It’s much better if you can get a hand-reared pet. All birds should be treated with caution, although the parrotlet has the larger beak of the two.

About the Budgie


As early as the mid-1800s, pet stores and conservatories were filled with budgies and budgerigars. The budgie prefers the dry shrublands of its native Australia. While parrotlets are less prevalent, these birds are everywhere. They’re also reasonably priced, which contributes to their popularity.


Budgies, often known as parakeets, are friendly birds with a good sense of humor. With their antics, these pets will keep you entertained for hours. They’re also intelligent creatures with a fun side that you and your kids will appreciate. The budgie is an active bird. You’ll probably notice that it’s always moving.

While the parrotlet can be rebellious at times, the budgie is always cheerful. It’s a talkative pet, especially if you have several. Its voice, however, is not as loud as the parrotlet’s, and there are no harsh cries. You’ll probably find that covering the cage at night is an effective approach to reduce the chatter.

Exercise and Human Interaction

You should interact with your budgie every day if you only have one. This bird enjoys a friend’s company, whether it’s another animal or you. Birds can get fat if they don’t get enough exercise, which may surprise you. Luckily, it enjoys playing. Anything new that you put in the cage will be investigated.


Food may be the motivation that the budgie needs to learn a few easy tricks. It may even acquire a few words, though its scratchy voice may make them difficult to comprehend. This bird has good problem-solving abilities; thus, it might be able to open the cage door without the use of a clip. Budgies’ sweet demeanor and desire to please will make training a breeze.

Health and Care

The budgie is a relatively hardy pet as long as the cage is not exposed to drafts. Water and food should be provided daily. You can also give your budgie a millet sprig every once in a while. A cuttlebone can be added as a calcium source and a way to polish your bird’s beak. You’ll probably find that your pet treats it as a toy as well.

You should swap out budgie toys as you would for a parrotlet. This bird needs cerebral stimulation as well to avoid boredom and feather plucking. A mirror is a great way to keep your parakeet entertained. Be sure to clean any toys you add as part of your normal cage maintenance.

A Good Fit

Budgies are a great companion for first-time pet owners and older children. This bird is friendly and lively, although it isn’t cuddly. They’re simple to look after, which makes them a fantastic way to teach your children responsibility.


A bird is not the same as other pets that you can handle better. A parrotlet or a budgie can also form a bond with you. A parrotlet is best for older youngsters or anyone with previous experience with birds. In case you’re worried about being bitten, this species is more feisty than the budgie.

Budgies are cheerful, friendly birds that are a delight to have as pets. While they don’t live as long as parrotlets, they make the most of the time they do have with you by having effervescent personalities.