There is no doubt that French bulldogs are one of the most beautiful purebred dog breeds in the world. Regardless of coat color, they are in high demand and look good in any color.
In recent years, there has been great interest in owning these dogs with distinctive coat colors, such as lavender.
An Overview of Lilac French Bulldogs
Lilac and tan French Bulldog is unique since it has a strong blue gene mixed in with a brown gene. Its lilac color is due to a mix of blue and brown genes. Lilac Frenchies are known for their light eyes and pink muzzles. Their coat has lilac tones, making it their most distinctive feature.
These unusual lilac Frenchies come from their parents’ blue and chocolate DNA. The result of this gene combination is that a black French bulldog will turn blue, and a chocolate French bulldog will turn lilac. A lilac Frenchie’s genotype is BBDD (homozygous, which means that they have two identical copies).
How Can I Tell If a French Bulldog Is a Lilac?
With age, these bulldogs become easier to identify. The color of the coat becomes much lighter and has a more noticeable lilac tinge. Another distinctive feature is their eyes. Often their eyes are gray, amber, or even blue. Lilac Frenchies typically have grayish-brown or pale pink noses. They are distinguished by the faint pink markings around their eyes and even their mouths.
When lilac Frenchies are born, they may have a coat similar to a blue French bulldog. With age, its coat lightens and takes on a characteristic lilac hue. Bulldog eyes are normally blue, pale gray, or amber. A faint pink line surrounds their eyes and lips, and their noses are gray or light pink.
Why Do Lilac French Bulldogs Cost So Much?
The main reason for the higher price of a lilac bulldog is its inability to conceive naturally. Their triangular body shape prevents them from reproducing naturally. Thus, a growing number of breeders are turning to artificial insemination. Furthermore, due to their small hips, females have difficulty giving birth to puppies. Around 80% of French bulldog puppies are delivered via cesarean section.
Their increased popularity also contributes to their high price. Several breeders have raised their rates because of scarcity due to the breed’s popularity during the last ten years.
The goal of puppy mills and unscrupulous breeders is to lure you in with low prices. There are two health concerns that good puppy farms keep their eyes out for in their broodmares: hip dysplasia and brachycephalic syndrome. The breeder is responsible for paying for these tests.
Can Lilac French Bulldogs Suffer From Health Conditions?
The French bulldog has a long list of inherited health issues. Oftentimes, French bulldog owners are forced to give their pets up for adoption when they can no longer pay their medical bills.
Owners of Frenchies with chronic illnesses may find it difficult to afford their vet bills. For these reasons, you should purchase your French bulldog from a reputable breeder and get pet insurance.
Health Problems of Lilac Bulldogs
Hip Dysplasia
The ball-and-socket joint of the hip is not properly developed in hip dysplasia. This can lead to decreased exercise, discomfort, and an increased risk of hip arthritis if left untreated. Symptoms and signs of the condition are as follows.
- Reduced physical activity
- Standing up can be difficult
- Hip ache
- Having difficulty ascending stairwells
Causes of Hip Dysplasia
Some breeds are prone to hip weakness or laxity because of their identity, which can speed up the disease’s progression. In addition to overgrowth, exercise, obesity, and dietary factors, hip dysplasia may also be affected by other factors.
Treatment of Hip Dysplasia
There are various alternative treatments for French bulldogs with hip dysplasia. Physical therapy, weight loss, and a balanced diet can all help to correct hip dysplasia without surgery.
Additionally, a healthy weight is important for your French bulldog to relieve the joint of as much stress as possible. You can help them maintain a healthy weight by combining their nutrition with increased activity levels during their recovery. In more severe cases, surgery may be required to restore primary function and ease the pain.
Conjunctivitis affects the tissue that covers the front of the eyeball. Symptoms of pinkeye include redness, itching, and tearing.
Treatment of Conjunctivitis
It’s not always easy to know what kind of treatment your French bulldog will require because there are so many factors that can cause conjunctivitis.
Antibiotic cream or prescription may be recommended if your pet has a bacterial infection. Your veterinarian will likely recommend the elimination of a few components from the diet if it has allergies.
What Makes a Lilac Bulldog Unique?
A lilac bulldog puppy may appear to be a blue lilac French bulldog puppy at first glance, but it lacks the brown gene. By crossing the DNA of both chocolate and blue parents, lilac Frenchies can be created. They lack brown hair streaks in their coat.
These puppies are born with this color, unlike blue fawn puppies, whose coats lose their blue overtones as they age. If a dog has two copies of the d allele, it becomes slate; if it has two copies of the c allele, it becomes lilac. Regardless of the coat style used, any black or liver color in the coat will turn blue.
Caring Tips
These dogs have delicate pink skin around their eyes and between their toes, so they need extra care. Winter walks on ice and icy streets require lilac Frenchies to wear appropriate dog footwear. A lilac bulldog’s paws and nose should always be moisturized and clean.
Frostbite and serious burns from winter street salt can be prevented with boots for Frenchies. Dog boots made of water-resistant materials allow your pet to walk safely on ice. The paw pads have a cushioned and warm interior layer, as well as an adjustable part for a perfect fit on the dog’s paw.
Grooming Tips
French bulldogs have delicate skin and a thin coat. To comb them, one does not need to use a firm brush. Since gloves have soft silicone pins, they don’t irritate the skin. With the silicone Frenchie brush glove, you can reach every part of your pet’s body easily.
Diet Tips
If you want your dog to stay healthy, it needs high-protein food. Frenchies are more likely to have food sensitivities. A nutrient-dense, high-quality diet is essential.
There are many reasons why lilac Frenchies make great pets for families, but you should learn as much as you can before getting one. Everything you need to know about the lilac Bulldog is in the above topics, from health to upkeep to its personality.