Why Block Head Golden Retriever is the Secret Ingredient?

Pet Type


June 13, 2020

Although most people don’t realize it, there are different types of Golden retrievers with their own unique characteristics and traits. In general, dog lovers around the world tend to admire and love Golden retrievers for their friendly and playful attitudes, but certain types of Goldies can easily make your heart melt.

Perhaps one of the most impressive types around is the block head Golden retriever, which is often regarded as a show dog. If you’d like to learn more about what differentiates the block head Golden retriever from other Goldies, this brief guide will provide you with the key points you need to know about this remarkably beautiful dog. 

What is a Block Head Golden Retriever?  

Generally speaking, the main differences among all Goldies tend to be purely cosmetic and based solely on their appearance. Regarding the block head Golden retriever, they are characterized by having a larger head in comparison to slender head Golden retrievers. Their fur can often be longer in comparison to slender head Goldies, and thus this unique combination makes block head Golden retrievers great show dogs. 

Other than their physical appearance, there aren’t any other noticeable differences among block head Golden retrievers in comparison to other types. Thus, this type of Goldie will likely have the same personality and mannerisms as any other type of Golden retriever you might meet. Every dog will have traits that are completely unique to them as an individual, but many of the endearing qualities that dog lovers have associated with Golden retrievers throughout the years remain the same across the variety of colors and types that exist within this wonderful breed. 

Block Head Golden Retriever Puppies  

While block head Goldies are easy to identify as adults, they are much more difficult to recognize when they are puppies. Many dog owners don’t realize they have a block head Golden retriever until their puppy has grown for several months. This is because the defining attribute of the head size and shape is not immediately noticeable while they’re young puppies.

Another interesting element to take note of is that it isn’t always easy to predict whether a litter will include a block head Goldie or not. Obviously, if two block head Golden retrievers have a litter of puppies, there’s a higher likelihood that the puppies will be block heads as well. However, sometimes block head Goldies emerge in litters where they are least expected. Some dog owners have noted that they seem to be more common among different colors of Golden retrievers, such as light Goldens, which are often known as blondies. 

Since it can be challenging to determine whether a Golden retriever will be a block head or not, potential owners that are specifically seeking to only have this type of Goldie must be careful when looking to adopt a new dog into their household. This is less common among owners that simply want to introduce a new furry friend into their home for companionship. Still, dog owners that are directly focused on pedigrees must take extra care to ensure they’re investing in a dog that they will potentially be able to show in competitions when they grow up.

Additional Differences  

The variation in how your dog will look will depend greatly on the type of Golden retriever it is. For example, a block head Goldie can also be an American, Canadian, or British Golden retriever, which can have some impact on how the dog appears overall. British Goldies tend to be smaller than Canadian Goldies and often have light golden fur. American Goldies tend to be less muscular in comparison to British or Canadian Golden retrievers. They also tend to have lighter eyes and darker coats.

Any type of Golden retriever can have longer hair or fur and also be a block head Golden as well, but Canadian Golden retrievers will typically have shorter fur compared to British or American Goldies. British Golden retrievers are most often block head Goldies because they naturally have skulls that are more prominent and tend to have a different bone structure in general. However, any of these regional types can have block heads and the common characteristics necessary for them to become show dogs.  

Show Criteria for Block Head Golden Retrievers  

As previously mentioned, block head Golden retrievers are often qualified as show dogs, although this is not exclusive to their type. This is not to say that all block head Goldies are automatically qualified for shows; some will meet criteria that others can’t, and it’s common to have an average Golden retriever.

General expectations for show dogs in this breed indicate that a male Goldie should weigh between 65 to 75 pounds and should be between 23 to 24 inches tall. Females are known to be somewhat smaller and are expected to weigh 55 to 65 pounds and 21 1/2 to 22 1/2 inches tall. If your dog is not able to meet these requirements, they will likely be disqualified. Additionally, your Golden should meet the following criteria:  

  • Symmetrical body 
  • Average leg length 
  • Pleasant facial expression
  • Friendly personality 
  • Listens well to commands 
  • Active and physically fit  

There are also precise requirements regarding your dog’s head. Show Goldies are expected to have wide faces, deep-set eyes, straight muzzles, and healthy teeth. The dog’s eyes should be medium or dark brown, and their nose should be black or brown as well.

Your dog will also be judged based on how far apart the eyes are and the overall ear size. Ears are expected to be short and placed above the eyes in proximity to their location behind the head. Show dogs must meet a significant volume of criteria to be eligible to compete. If not, the dog is graded as an average Golden retriever and will be disqualified. You can learn more about criteria by reaching out to the coordinator for the upcoming show in your region.  

How to Care for a Block Head Golden Retriever

Generally speaking, your block head Golden retriever won’t typically require any additional care that you wouldn’t already provide to another type of Golden retriever. Of course, if you have a Goldie with longer hair or fur, you need to groom your furry friend regularly. Many Golden owners choose to use shampoos and other products specifically developed for Golden retrievers. These breed-specific products tend to help enhance shine in the dog’s coat and provide additional support that might not be otherwise available if you chose products that were more suitable for another dog breed or generalized for all breeds.

If you do manage to have a block head Goldie that meets the requirements for being a show dog, you will need to focus more on care and grooming than usual. Most dog owners that allow their dogs to compete in shows are known to spend thousands of dollars annually to ensure that their dog maintains the appropriate weight, behavior, and health and continues to meet the variety of criteria associated with being a show dog. Some owners even invest in different types of trainers and mentors to ensure that their dog is always ready to compete. 

Final Thoughts  

Overall, block head Golden retrievers are amazing dogs and are a great choice whether you’re looking for extra companionship or considering a dog that might be a future competitor in an upcoming dog show.

Like any other Golden retriever type, they are loyal and very affectionate, as well as frequently recognized for their very impressive intelligence levels and capabilities. Although appearance is often the first thing we notice, a dog’s personality and behavioral qualities should ultimately be the deciding factor for a potential match in a personal canine companion.