It generally goes without saying that there are many, many dog breeds out there. However, there are even more than you might be able to imagine when you factor in all of the different crossbreeds there are. Crossbreeds are breeds of dogs that are created when a purebred of one breed mates with a purebred of another breed. More often than not, crossbreeds produce very unique and charming dogs, each with their own characteristic appeal.
One example of this is how most dogs that crossbreed with a poodle will have offspring with curled fur, no matter what the other breed was. If you are looking for a dog that can become a head-turner on any sidewalk, one breed you will want to look at is the Bernedoodle.
These dogs have the coloring of a Bernese Mountain Dog combined with the iconic curled fur of a Poodle. These unique dogs are a good fit for families with children (assuming that the children are old enough to know how to treat dogs right), as well as families that have other pets (as long as the dog is introduced to the new pets properly). Tiny and miniature variants of the Bernedoodle can even suit apartment lifestyles, making this one of the most suitable companion dogs for just about any household.
Where Did the Bernedoodle Come From?
As the name of this crossbreed might suggest, the Bernedoodle comes from a purebred Bernese Mountain Dog and a purebred Poodle. Because the realm of crossbreeding dogs is relatively new compared to typical dog breeding, there is not a considerable amount of history to know about where this type of dog came from. It is estimated that this crossbreed was discovered in 2003.
This breed is considered to be a designer breed of dog because it is bred almost entirely for its appearance, rather than its ability to work in a field or its ability to run an obstacle course. Unfortunately, there isn’t much more to the history of the Bernedoodle than this.
What Does the Bernedoodle Look Like?
These dogs are bred almost entirely for their appearance, and there is good reason for this. These dogs have a very unique mix of the Bernese Mountain Dog’s coloring with the fur of a poodle. This creates a relatively stocky dog that is covered in a thick coat of wavy or curly fur.
The coloring of the fur typically includes black, caramel-brown, and white patterns on the dog’s fur, although this can change depending on the Bernese Mountain Dog parent. The tail will be bushy and the eyes will be small and button-like. There is also a good chance that this dog’s coat will be hypoallergenic, much like the Poodle’s coat.
These dogs also come in three different size variants: tiny, miniature, and standard. The size you get will depend entirely on the dog’s parents and what the breeder’s focus is.
- Tiny dogs will be between 12 and 17 inches tall and will weigh between 10 and 24 pounds.
- Miniature dogs will be between 18 and 22 inches tall and will weigh between 25 and 49 pounds.
- Standard dogs will be between 23 and 29 inches tall and will clock in between 70 to 90 pounds.
In all cases, the male dogs are going to be both heavier and taller than the female dogs. As you can see, the standard size of this dog makes for a very stocky dog, while the tiny variant creates a dog that could easily fit onto your lap. This is something that you will need to work with your dog breeder on when you are deciding where you want to get one of these dogs.
How Is the Bernedoodle’s Behavior?
These dogs can be thought of as companion dogs or family dogs. This means that these dogs are not really suitable for working, but will rather be more interested in spending time with you and the rest of its family, as well as playing games with you. In fact, these dogs are more social than other dogs, meaning that if you want a dog that will be constantly craving your attention, this is one of the dogs that you should consider.
What makes these dogs even better is that many people believe that they inherit the intelligence of the Poodle, which could mean that you can train your dog more and teach it to perform some tricks. These dogs are responsive and attentive and are known for following their owners everywhere around the house.
Thankfully, these dogs are bred from two well-behaved dogs, meaning that they are generally well-behaved dogs as well, assuming that they are properly trained and socialized as a puppy. Typically, the Bernese Mountain Dog will give your puppy a playful, friendly demeanor, although this can sometimes translate into more stubborn behaviors that you will need to correct. These dogs are well suited to being therapy dogs that are taken to hospitals, care centers, and other areas where people simply need a friendly dog to pet.
How Do You Care for a Bernedoodle?
These dogs are pretty easy to care for, minus their fur, making them a good choice for first-time dog owners. It is important that you make sure to give your dog an outlet to play outside and exercise its energy, unless you want that excess energy translated into destroyed furniture in your home.
You should make sure that you have a fenced-in yard for your dog to play in, and if you live in an apartment, you should make sure that it is either spacious enough for your dog, or you live in close proximity to a dog park. You should aim to walk your dog for about an hour total each day. This can be broken up throughout the day or done all at once. If you live a tight, busy life, you should try to make sure that the dog gets a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise, although this is the bare minimum.
Grooming the dog is another matter, simply because Poodle fur can be problematic, and one of the key characteristics of a Bernedoodle is its Poodle-like fur. How difficult and time-consuming it is to groom your dog will depend entirely on the type of fur it has. Some dogs end up having straight fur, while others have extremely curly hair. Curled hair takes much more time to groom than straight hair. You should aim to brush these dogs about three times a week, and more if the fur is considerably curly. If your dog has curly hair, aim to brush your dog every other day, or potentially more frequently than that.
What Kind of Health Does the Bernedoodle Have?
One of the biggest problems with crossbred dogs is that they are at an increased risk of inheriting genetic diseases from their parents, and because the parents are two different breeds of purebred dog, there are twice the problems to inherit.
This can be potentially extremely expensive to deal with and treat, but the best thing you can do is be aware of what problems your dog could develop. Your dog will have an increased chance of developing hip and elbow dysplasia, immune system diseases, skin problems, eye problems, thyroid problems, heart problems, juvenile renal disease, epilepsy, cancer, patella problems, sebaceous adenitis, bloating, and Von Willebrand’s disease.
With as many different issues to be wary of as there are, you will need to make sure that you have a good vet that you can contact. The average life expectancy of a tiny Bernedoodle will be about 18 years, miniature Bernedoodles will be closer to 17 years, and standard Bernedoodles will live for about 12 to 15 years.