Spruce-Up Your Golden Retriever With a Summer Cut

Spruce-Up Your Golden Retriever With a Summer Cut

A properly groomed Golden retriever always looks beautiful. Beyond aesthetics, though, some believe there is another reason to keep your hound properly trimmed – summer heat. If you live in a hot climate, you might be thinking about giving your Golden a nice...
Golden Retriever Sleeping Habits

Golden Retriever Sleeping Habits

Golden retrievers are, year after year, among the most popular dog breeds in the world. They are a lovable, loyal breed. Their mild nature makes them a perfect family pet. If you already own a Golden retriever, you know how easy they are to love. They are a perfect...
All You Need To know About Parti Yorkies

All You Need To know About Parti Yorkies

A Parti Yorkie, also known simply as Yorkie, is a well-known dog breed. If you are looking to become a Yorkie parent, you need to be aware that there are two Yorkies: Parti Yorkie and the traditional Yorkie. Parti Yorkie is a Yorkshire Terrier with white patches on...
Facts About Golden Retriever Gestation

Facts About Golden Retriever Gestation

Everyone loves puppies. If you’re new to breeding or you’re excited about getting a puppy from a breeder, days can feel like years. Fortunately, the gestation period in dogs is significantly shorter than in humans. The gestation period for Golden...